
A group of words which makes a complete sense is called a sentence.


A meaningful combination of words is called a sentence.

Properties : (i) A group of words

                             (ii)A complete sense.


As : is | Ram | boy | good | a |                                a group of words (i)

                                                                                 not complete sense (ii)

On the basis of sense the sentences are of five kinds. There are -

(i) Assertive sentence : A sentence that makes a statement is called  an assertive sentence.

Note : Assertive sentences are also called Declarative sentences. 

                 Hence, Affirmative + negative = Assertive sentence.

Kinds : There are two kinds of Assertive sentences. They are :-.

(a) Affirmative :- A sentence with a positive statement is called an Affirmative sentence.

Pattern : Subject + Helping verb/ verb + object + other words.

As : Ram + is + a + good + boy. Positive statements 

        Rani + writes + a + letter.

(b) Negative :- A sentence with negation or negative statement is called a Negative sentence.

Pattern Subject + helping verb/ verb +not + object + other words.

As : Ram + is + not + a + good + boy.

As : Rani + does + not + write + a + letter.

(ii) Interrogative sentence : A sentense that asks a question OR a sentence with a question is called an Interrogative sentence.

Note : Questions are of two types.

(A) Which that has its answer in yes or no form.

(B) Which that has its answer in detail.

Pattern :  (a) : H.v.(Auxiliary) + S + v + o + oth ?

As : Is + Ram + a good + boy ? Ans. : Yes / No Sir.

Note : Yes or no answer.

(b) Int. w. / + h.v. + S + v + o + oth ?

What types of a boy + is + Ram ? Ans. Ram is a good boy.

What + does + Rani + do ? Ans. Rani writes a letter.

Note : Answer in detail.

(iii) Imperative sentence : A sentense that expresses a command/request advice called an Imperative sentence.

Pattern :  (Affi.) Verb + Object + Other words.

                  Write + a + letter. (Command)

                  Help me, please. (Request)

                  Help the poor. (Advice)

(Neg.) Don't + Verb  + Object + Other words.

            Don't + write + a + letter. (Command)

            Do not tease the poor. (Advice)

(iv) Exclamatory sentence : A sentense that expresses strong feelings is called an Exclamatory sentence.

Pattern :          (A) Ex.word! + Subject + helping verb/verb + Object + Other words.

                         As : Alas ! + I + am + ruined.

                         (B) What a /how + Adj. + S + h.v.!

                          As : What a wonderful creature man is !

                          How beautiful this rose is !

(v) Optative sentence : A sentense that expresses a wish/prayer/curse etc. is called an Optative sentence.

                          As : God bless you, my son !

                          May you live long !

                          If I were a bird !

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