Verb:    A saying / doing / acting word is called a Verb.

As: Play, write, speak, go, run etc.

Example. He plays cricket (what does he do ?)                   Ans. Plays cricket.. 

Classification of Verb

The Verbs are classified under four heads :

1. On the basis of function

2. On the basis of shape/Construction/structure

3. On the basis of range.

4. On the basis of intensity.

1. On the basis of function : On the basis of function the verbs are of three kinds. They are :

(i) Transitive Verb :    A verb with object is called transitive verb.

As : Write, play, eat etc.

(ii) Intransitive Verb :   A verb without object is called Intransitive verb.

As : Cry, weep, sleep etc.

(iii) Auxiliary Verb :     A verb used to form tense, mood and voice of the other verbs is called an Auxiliary verb.

As : is, am, are, was, were, can, may etc.

2. On the basis of shape/Construction/structure : On the basis of shape /Construction/structure the verbs are of two kinds. They are :

(i) Regular verb (ii) Irregular verb

(i) Regular verb : A verb that forms its past and past participle forms by adding d, ed or t in its present form is called Regular Verb.

As : Present                    Past                      Past participle

die                                  died                          died

play                                played                      played

spend                              spent                        spent

Clarification :   In the above examples the verbs- die, play, spend are Regular verbs  because they form their past and past participle forms by adding d, ed, t in their present form die, play, spend that is died, played, spent respectively.

(ii) Irregular verb : A verb that doesn't form its past and past participle forms with d, ed or t in its present form is called Irregular Verb.

In other words: A verb that forms its past and past participle form without d, ed or t.

As : Present                                Past                                           Past participle

         do                                       did                                            done

          give                                  gave                                           given

          ring                                   rang                                            rung

Clarification :In the above examples the verbs- do, give, ring are Irregular verbs because they do not form their past and past participle forms with d, ed or t. That is did, done, gave, given, rang, rung.

3. On the basis of range : On the basis of range the verbs are of two kinds. They are :

(i) Finite verb (ii) Infinite verb

(i) Finite verb : A verb that is limited/confined by person, number and gender is called a finite verb.

As : He goes to school. They do their work.

Clarification :In the above examples the verbs- go and do are finite verbs because they are limited by person, number and gender that is goes and do respectively.

(ii) Infinite verb : A verb that is not limited/confined by person, number and gender is called a infinite verb.

As : He wants to go to school. They like to do their work.

Clarification :In the above examples the verbs- to go and to do are infinite verbs because they are not limited by person, number and gender.

4. On the basis of intensity : Mainly the verbs have their three forms in English

they are present, past and past participle

Present                                            Past                                   Past participle

 Write                                              Wrote                                Written

Walk                                                Walked                             Walked

Spend                                              Spent                                 Spent

On the basis of intensity the verbs are of two kinds. They are:

(i) Weak verbs : The verbs which have their past forms with d, ed, t are called weak verbs.

As : Present                                            Past

        play                                                 played

        believe                                            believed

        spend                                              spent

Clarification :In the above examples the verbs- play, believe and spend are the verbs which have their past forms with d, ed & t respectively. They, therefore, are weak verbs.

(ii) Strong verbs : The verbs which have their past forms without d, ed & t are called Strong verbs or The verbs which form their past forms by changing the inside vowel of the present forms.

As :     Present                                                            Past

             break                                                              broke

             give                                                                gave

             ring                                                                 rang

Clarification :In the above examples the verbs- break, give and ring are the verbs

which have their past forms without d, ed & t. In other words, They form their past

forms by changing the inside vowel of the present forms as, o, a & a. They, therefore,

are strong verbs

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