Parts of the sentence :
General Introduction : Generally a sentence has two parts.
They are- subject and predicate.
Subject : The person or thing we speak about in a sentence is called the subject.
As : Ram writes a letter. The dewdrops glitter in the sun shine.
Clarification : In the above examples Ram and The dewdrops are the person and 'thing' respectively and we speak about them in the
sentences. They, therefore, are subjects.
Predicate : Whatever is said about the subject is called the Predicate.
As : Ram writes a letter. The dewdrops glitter in the sun shine.
Clarification : In the above examples writes a letter and shine in the sunshine are the parts of the sentences which are said about the subjects Ram and the dewdrops respectively. They, therefore are the Predicates.
Note : One may trace out the subject in a sentence only by putting the word 'Who ?' in the begining of a sentence. and the Predicate by the word 'What ?'
As : Ram writes a letter. Who writes a letter ? Ans. Ram
The dew drope glitter in the sunshine. What glitter in the sunshine. Ans. : The dew drope.
Similarly - Ram writes a letter.
What does Ram do ? Ans. : Writes a letter
and the dew drops shine -
What does the dew drops do ? Ans. shine in the sunshine.
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