Parts of Speech

Definition : The classification or division of words into their different groups or classes according to their use in a sentence that is according to the work they do in a sentence is called Parts of Speech.

As: In the modern world English holds the unique place of importance.

Classification of Parts of Speech :

In                                                                       Preposition

the                                                                     Article / determiner

modern                                                              adjective

world                                                                 noun

English                                                              noun

holds                                                                  verb

the                                                                      article

unique                                                                adjective

place                                                                   noun

of                                                                        preposition

importance                                                         adjective

Kinds of Parts of Speech : There are eight kinds of Parts of Speech. They are :

1. Noun: A naming word is called a Noun.

As: Ram, College, Pen, Book, Truth, Iron etc.

2. Pronoun : A word used in place of a noun is called a Pronoun.

As: I, We, You, He, She, It, They

3. Verb: A saying / doing / acting word is called a Verb.

As: Play, write, speak, go, run etc.

Example. He plays cricket (what does he do ?)                      Ans. Plays cricket..

4. Adjective: A modifying / qualifying word is called an Adjective.

As: Great, good, bad, little, few etc.

Example. Ashok was a great king. (What kind of-King was Ashok ?)

Ans.: great

5. Adverb : A word that qualifies /modifies a verb, an Adjective or an Adverb is called An Adverb. 


A word which adds something to the meaning of a verb, an adjective or another adverb.

As: Very, quickly, slowly etc.

Example. He runs slowly. (How he runs ?) (verb)                              Ans.: slowly

He is very weak. (adj.)

He runs very slowly (adv.)

6. Preposition : A relating word is called a Preposition.

As: on, in, to, upon, with etc.

Example. The book is on the table.

7. Conjunction: A joining word is called a Conjunction.

As: But, because, and, so etc.

Example. Ravi is rich but his friend is poor. Two and Two make four.

8. Interjection: A sudden feeling expressing word is called an Interjection.

As: Oh!, Ah, Alas!, Hark! etc.

Example. Alas ! I am ruined. Hurrah ! we have won the match.



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